
The Red Thread Movement combats human trafficking and modern-day slavery through the sale of Red Thread bracelets. Red Thread Movement bracelets make a difference in 3 important ways…

1. Provides a Fair Trade income for the rescued girls who weave the bracelets.

2. Additional proceeds fund anti-trafficking border units and safe houses through the work of a Nepalese NGO, K.I. NEPAL.

3. Wearing the bracelet generates awareness and proclaims sex trafficking as a human rights’ crime.

4 responses to “About

  • David S. Halbert

    I am so impressed with your blog and your work. It is such a fantistic work!

    Thanks for doing something most of us cannot do. I am glad Belinda has gone over (my daughter)

  • Joyce Haley

    Wish I was there with you but reading your blog is the next best thing. Thanks for your words and your work.

  • Hayeah Gabriel Kpodi

    Thanks for the splendid job you are doing. It is also my prayer God continues to inspire donors to your project. Once again, my heart is off to you.

    But can just ask a question? Do you have any intention of bringing your program to Africa?

  • Brad Russell

    My band, The Finishers, are very moved and interested in what you are doing. How do we get involved??

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